Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Guide To Walking Weight Loss

Walking Weight Loss
Creating A Walking Weight Loss Program Of Your Own

Executif Summary About Walking Weight Loss by Donovan Baldwin

It seems like every other magazine at the supermarket checkout has some sort of walking weight loss program.

You open up the magazine, and here's somebody who lost 50 pounds, or 150 pounds, just by walking. Not only that, but on one of the pages, there's a box of their walking schedule. You also ask yourself: "I hear so much about exercise AND nutrition being the key to weight loss, can I really lose that kind of weight just by walking?"

Let's start with that question and move on to how to start your own walking weight loss program...if you still think it's worth it, that is.

Walking is a wonderful exercise for health in general and weight loss in particular. Walking for health, fitness, and/or weight loss in any combination is easy to get into. Well, walking regularly, in addition to helping you lose weight, will help improve your posture, strengthen your cardiovascular system, tune up your immune system, elevate your mood, and, as any good exercise program will, help decrease your risk for various cancers, high blood pressure, strokes, type II diabetes, and help ward off many of the events and changes associated with aging.

Now, that "walking for weight loss" program you read in the magazine might or might not work for you for several reasons. The magazine may be showing you a walking program that is too advanced for you. You will also notice over time that your walks, while the same distance, are taking less time to complete. I know of many people who began their walking programs by only going a few feet. At any level, you can make your walking more interesting by walking in different places, taking different routes, or walking with a group.
Walking, as great an overall exercise as it is for health, fitness, and weight loss, does not help much with upper body strength (what you use to carry the grandkids or a sack of groceries).

A quick note on the term "weight lifting". If the training is done properly, most people, ladies and gentlemen should mainly notice better health and increased strength and stamina as well as weight loss. As always, regular moderate exercise, be it walking for weight loss or some other program, coupled with healthy eating practices will produce a trimmer, healthier body and open new doors to the enjoyment of life.

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